Zulal Concert in NY
Zulal Concert in NY
New York, NY
Leave behind the transience of modern life and connect to the enchanting melodies and vibrant characters of the Armenian village, through songs in three-part harmony. The lively story-telling and passionate singing of the Armenian folk trio animate the trials and joys of traditional folk life: budd…
Sunday, December 14 2014
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Zulal Armenian A Cappella Trio
Zulal Armenian A Cappella Trio
Worcester, MA
Journey with this enchanting Armenian folk trio through music that brings to life the trials and joys of old Armenian village life: Budding romances in elevated gardens, the disappointments of hapless suitors, secret messages placed upon the western winds, the moonlit faces of shepherd boys and the…
Saturday, March 29 2014
4:00 PM
5:30 PM